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2003-10-30 @ 12:59 p.m.

yup, another entry

technically my 3rd entry today:

Vous voir plus tard mes amis. Je suis de voir que l'amour de ma vie (et Jenn�s) chante

Sept et un plus d'heures de moiti�! Je Randal de Coeur

(See you later my friends. I am off to see the love of my life (and Jenn�s) sing. 7 � more hours! I heart Randal)

OH, before I go, I had a most entertaining convo with Stef earlier:

Muddi16: i need to tell jeff t that he loves me as well

Treblsstef: yes

Muddi16: lol

Treblsstef: you do need to do that

Muddi16: me: jeff, i just wanted to tell you that you are in fact in love with me

Muddi16: jeff: omg! madelin! you are right!

Treblsstef: LOL I love that scenario

Muddi16: me: anytime jeff

Treblsstef: can I take pictures?

Treblsstef: :-)

Muddi16: sure

Muddi16: lol

Treblsstef: cue moving background music

Muddi16: i think with us it would be more like some cheesy love song from the 80's

Treblsstef: "The Search Is Over" --Survivor

Treblsstef: one of my faves

Muddi16: jeff: but madelin, lets keep it low key for a while, break it to people gently. there could be quite an uproar over this

Muddi16: me: sure jeff, im okay with that

Muddi16: *cue Secret Lovers music*

Treblsstef: LOL

Treblsstef: "I wait anxiously alo-o-one by the phone"

Muddi16: although i don't wait anxiously for NO ONE by the phone....

Muddi16: thats what cell phones are for!

Muddi16: hahahhahahaha

Muddi16: you can bring it with you!

Treblsstef: lol

Treblsstef: right? :-)

I was debating whether or not to post this convo � but I decided I wanted to for MY memories. So people, before you start going crazy and thinking I�m insane and go running back to Jeff to tell him what the crazy lady wrote, blah blah blah, let me just say GET REAL!!!! PUUUUHHH-LEASE. If you think that for an instant I am serious you have to be really fucked in the head � and I know that there are some readers that are so that is why I am writing. Get it??? All � in� good� fun. And if you don't understand that, then you have a lot more problems than you think!

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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