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2003-11-14 @ 11:49 a.m.

The only thing constant is change.

The onion is such a good source of entertainment: The Onion Now, I know that I have a very vivid imagination, but I still know the diff of reality vs fantasy � this girl seems to be a little fuzzy on that line. And she has a real life boyfriend! If someone can love that NUTjob, surely someone will love me again one day! LOL

One of the women I work with had her daughter chosen to model some dance costumes in a dance catalogue. I saw the book last night and she is just too adorable. She is in 5 small pictures and 2 full page pictures. Her picture opens up the Kidzone section of the 2003-2004 Fina Dancewear Catalogue. It�s not even my daughter and I feel like the proud mama!

So it�s closing weekend of J&H. One more closing. Some closings make you sad, some don�t. This one is making me a little sad. I am having a really good time with this cast and I know that I have def made a few friends that will stay with me past the closing. J&H seems to be good that way to me � happened last time when I found Lisa, Tara, Rick and Vanessa (and Shari consequentially). And I really enjoy the music. I love singing the music. I�ll miss it once its gone�again. And I know that if I ever do this show again I MUST have a lesbian crossover � its now become a tradition.

Les Mis opens at CM next weekend � so before I forget a big casser une jambe! (that�s break a leg in French�hehe get it? Hahaha, Im so funny) to the people I know in it and I�ll be there on the 22nd to cheer you all on!

And, I�m off�..

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