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2003-12-12 @ 12:41 p.m.

Annie and Stuff

This Bronchitis thing KICKED my ass. Wednesday morning I OD�ed on my cough medicine which has codine in it which makes me really nauceous. I spent most of the day sitting next to my friend the toilet bowl trying to throw up something and got nothing b/c I�ve eaten like nothing for 4 days. My stomach muscles still hurt a bit. Fun times. Wednesday night I had to get out of the house a bit considering I had been in the house since 7pm Saturday night (except for the 1 hour I was out for the doc Monday morning). I was out for 4 hours at rehearsal for Annie, and soooo tired afterwards, but glad I did it. All I did at rehearsal was watch. Then go over costumes with Barbara and the schedule with Eye and Tom.

Thursday I finally went back to work. I made it till like 1:30 before I was just so tired I thought I was gonna drop. I went to my car and napped for 45 minutes and felt much better. Then I got to weight watchers and weighed in. At the meeting I thought I was gonna fall asleep again b/c I was so tired, but just sitting there was like resting so that was good. OH, and the quickest way to lose weight. Get sick and don�t eat for 3 days and then try to throw up what little is left in your system. I lost 11.4 lbs. No, that is not a typo. How sick is that. I reached my first mini goal for my weight! Go Me!

On another happy note: BUH BYE BURTON!!! Woo friggin hoo! It�s about time the women FINALLY banded and voted off the men. I can�t believe Lil was soooo stupid to believe Burton when he said he was going to take her to the final two? Was she blind? Did she not see how Jon and Burton were a team? Did she not think the 2 boys would team up? Come on! Too bad they didn�t do it last week and Christa would still be on. I wanted her to win if Rupert couldn�t. OO, and Jon talking about how the 3 women left did have brain to share among them�wooweee. Jon and Burton�s faces were priceless when Burton got voted off. Sucka�s! And Sandra was KILLING me talking about hiding all the shit around the camp. Now that would have been hysterical. Hopefully Jon will not win immunity (Go Darrah 3 in a row!) and the women will stay smart on Sunday and vote Jon�s skinny ass off. Although I hate to say, he deserves to win it. He has def been playing a game not just riding coat tails like the other 3 women have. I can�t wait. Only sucky think is that there is rehearsal on Sunday night and I won�t be able to watch it till I get home! GRRRR.

SO, it�s official. Eileen and I are splitting both the roles of Hannigan and Lily. Confusing? Yes it is? Easy Street was so funny last night b/c Eye is usually Hannigan and I�m Lily when we rehearse it. Last night we switched and we were both so thrown off even though it is the same steps, it�s the opposite side of the stage and, well, to us it was too funny. LOL. Here is my shameless plug and our schedule:

Culturl Arts Playhouse, 714 Old Bethpage Road, Old Bethapage, NY 11804 (516) 694-3330

Fridays - 8:30, Saturdays - 4:00, Saturdays - 8:30, Sundays - 3:00

Tickets are $20

Also starring:

Sari Weinerman/Grace Suarino as Annie, John Yaleny as Warbucks, Mark Cahill as Rooster, Danielle Tringali as Grace, Anthony LaViscount as Bert Healy, and Steve Wangner as Drake

This is MY schedule (The XXX�s are when I NOT be in the show at all).

fri 12/19/2003 8:30 LILY

sat 12/20/2003 4:00 LILY

sat 12/20/2003 8:00 HANNIGAN

sun 12/21/2003 3:00 HANNIGAN

fri 12/26/2003 2:00 XXX

fri 12/26/2003 8:30 XXX

sat 12/27/2003 4:00 HANNIGAN

sat 12/27/2003 8:00 HANNIGAN

sun 12/28/2003 3:00 LILY

tues 12/30/2003 2:00 XXX

fri 1/2/2004 8:30 LILY

sat 1/3/2004 4:00 HANNIGAN

sat 1/3/2004 8:00 HANNIGAN

sun 1/4/2004 3:00 LILY

fri 1/9/2004 8:30 HANNIGAN

sat 1/10/2004 4:00 XXX

sat 1/10/2004 8:00 XXX

sun 1/11/2004 3:00 HANNIGAN

fri 1/16/2004 8:30 HANNIGAN

sat 1/17/2004 4:00 HANNIGAN

sat 1/17/2004 8:00 LILY

sun 1/18/2004 11:00 LILY

sun 1/18/2004 3:00 HANNIGAN

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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