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2004-01-30 @ 1:47 p.m.

big ass rock

Thanks to Joe Dambusky I pulled out my Full Monty CD to listen. It is one of the only musical�s that I�ve bought b/c I actually wanted to listen to it and not just b/c I was auditioning/doing the show and wanted to hear the music.

I wanna play Dave�s wife Georgie, but she has to be skinny in contrast to Dave�s largeness. However, the song I WANT to sing is Vicki�s �Life With Harold�. I could def play Vicki � and she does not necessarily have to be any size at all.

However, �Big Ass Rock� is my favorite song from the show (I know Eye loves this song as well!). Jerry and Dave find Malcolm attempting suicide in his car. All 3 are out of work from the local steel mill. Jerry and Dave don�t really know Malcolm, but they recognize him from the factory and try to help:

Jerry: Let's find a rock, I mean a big-ass rock

Or maybe something like a cinder block is better

I'll hoist it up and drop it on your face, my buddy

And just before the lights go out, you'll see my smile and you'll know

You've got a friend, With a rock, Who cares

Dave: I mean a big-ass rock

Or rope, I got some quality rope

Made for a man who's devoid of hope

Like you are, my buddy, Michael

Malcolm: Unh, that's Malcolm

Dave: Yeah, Malcolm. Right!

And I won't leave you swinging there

Twitching like a fish while you claw the air

I'll grab your feet, pal o' mine, I'll pull real hard and snap

your spinal cord

Jerry: The world is cold when you're alone and they ignore you, but don't kill yourself,

J&D: We'll do it for you, You've got a friend

Malcolm: I've got a friend

Like Carole King or was it Carly Simon used to sing? I always get those two confused

But anyway -

I turned around, and suddenly I'm not alone, it ain't just me

I'm like a player on the team

J&D: Player on our team!

M: I'm part of the gang...

J&D: Part of the gang!

M: A member of the club

J&D: Welcome to the club!

Dave: Oooh ... let's get a club

Jerry: I like the big-ass rock

Dave: Naw, one good swing and I'll clean his clock forever

Jerry: Let gravity do the work!

Dave: It's a man's way to die, Mikey.

Malcolm: Malcolm!

I got friends � ooooh

J&D: Friends who will love you like a maniac

And lead you like a lamb to the railroad track

And tie you down

Malcolm: I've got friends! � ooooh

J&D: Tickle your wrist with a single-edge razor

Or buy you a beer with a Draino chaser

Or dump you in the river with a rock

Malcolm: A big-ass rock

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