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2004-06-21 @ 7:34 p.m.

You'd have NOTHING

Yay for fun weekends with great friends. Paula got here on Thurs night around 8pm and we went and picked up Amy at the LIRR and were off to Jenn�s where I played a little DDR and Amy gave us our �fun bags� (yay for fun bags!) and a scavenger hunt list for the weekend before we all crashed.

Friday morning we were up, showered and dressed and on the road by 9:30 am. First stop was Hershey Park and the Chocolate Factory. We got our pictures taken and had �worker� badges made. We got to package our own box of Hershey Kisses. We got fun hats to wear. We went on a ride that told us about the history of chocolate. I learned the almonds come from trees. Big truck like machines shake the shit of the trees and they all fall off. I didn�t know that. We shopped and bought too much chocolate. Then we hit the car for the rest of the trip. Exactly 12 hours from when we started and we were at our hotel in Springfield, OH. Not the most happening town. LOL. We checked in, got some Arby�s and drove to find the venue location and check things about it. Not much to check out. We went back to the hotel and basically went to sleep.

Sat morning Laurie, Amy and I went to the venue at 5:45 am (yes, you read that correctly, AM) to place our chairs. There were people there already. There was one row of chairs saved for the sponsors, so we set up ours forming row 2 and 3 behind them. Then we placed some blankets down on the ground in front of the sponsors chairs and went back to the hotel and back to bed. Yay for sleep. We got up and went to lunch at 12:30, took the annual stop to Wal-Mart where we got free samples! I love free samples. We got and ENTIRE can of the new coke C2 which actually didn�t suck. Better than diet coke. We also got a free sample of those things you put on your finger and can �brush� your teeth with. Very cool. We got to the park at like 5 � so we only had 3 hours to kill there. LOL. Barb (our Randal obsessive friend) joined us since she lives in Ohio to join us in our other obsession � so cool of her to come and meet us. Yay Barb! We got bored and wrapped Angela up as a mummy in a roll of paper towels. Why you ask? Why the heck not? Paula just all of a sudden looked up and said, �Angela, can I wrap you up in these, please?� Angela just said, �alright�. And it was done. Haha! It was absolutely ridiculous and hysterical. The concert eventually began with a few new songs which was cool. I entertained Paula the entire concert. I have never been so loud and so obnoxious during a show. It was so much fun! During �A Change In My Life� Jenn, Paula and I lit up some sparklers (like you would do with lighters during a rock ballad) and started waving them. The kid next to me took out his cell phone and held it up open with the light on and swayed with us. By the time the sparklers went out, � of the audience had their cell phones out so took out ours. It was so funny. I had never seen anything like it! I don�t think Pella had either. It was �fuckin greeaaat� (said with a Scottish accent � that�s funny to those in the know). We did the meet and great thing where Scott was extremely pleased with himself for remembering my name and spelling it correctly. (Last concert he thought I was Angela .. hehe). Kevin of course asked me what show I was doing. I said �Hello, Dolly�. He said �still?� I said, �It doesn�t open until July16�. Jeff chimmed in �you are doing Hello, Dolly? Who are you in it.� I said �just ensemble�. He said �it is never JUST ensemble�. Kevin said, � you should be Ernestina. You�d be a GREAT Ernestina.� Jeff said �OH YEAH!�. I said �the ensemble does more, so I�m happy. And besides my best friend is Ernestina, so it�s cool�. Then Jeff continued to talk to me b/c once he starts, he doesn�t start. Just about life in general, and him having a blonde moment and blah blah blah. Later they started taking group photos, and I never had one, and everyone was doing it, so I jumped in. As I ran in I was so excited. � I don�t know why � I was extreeeemly loopy Sat night. So as I ran into the pic I said �I�ve never done this before, I�m so excited!� And Jeff was like �never? I don�t believe that�. I said, �nope never!� Then we smiled and the pic was over and I literally jumped in the air and shouted �woo hoo� as I ran out. I heard a few of them echoing my �woo hoo� and laughing behind me. Hehe. Then some of ate some grub at Applebee�s with our very nice waiter Matt (whom some chose to call Steve or Bob � don�t ask, I don�t know). He made a niiice tip off of us. Then it was back to the hotel to say good bye and go to bed.

Sunday morning we were outta there by 9:45 am and after a few stops and dropping off Jenn and Amy at Jenns, Paula and I were back at my house at 10:15pm. 11 � hours. Not too bad.

Some key phrases from the weekend that most of y�all won�t understand, but those involved will know:

1 � Me screaming �You�d have NOTHING�

2 � Me (with unintentional valley girl-like accent): "What's a Bob Evans?"

Paula (imitating me): "It's a restaurant.� You can like, get drinks and stuff there."

3 � One fucked up convo that involved - Beckle Street � NO, BechTle Street � Rectal??? �. Rectum???

4 � Angelas terrets �Harry Potter!�

5 � �Do it Paula! Everyone else is! Do it!�

6 � Crackle Barrel sits in the old gum tree --- sing it Paula

7 � Eat more bananas!

8 � Bok Choi!

9 � �licking� thru Licking County and over Licking River

10 � �I mosh for Jesus� T shirt

And I won the scavenger hunt (basically b/c I was the only one playing�lol) I love that shit. Anyhoo, I got 23 out of 40 points. I would have gotten more, but a lot of them were pictures, and my camera�s battery died before I could get � of the pics. Oh well. It was still fun. Here is my prize

AND Here are some pics of the weekend adventures.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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