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2004-07-29 @ 4:12 p.m.

impromptu mini-review

Entry #2 today:

So here�s a little good news in my life. My boss just called me into his office:

Boss: �So, how long have you been here now?�

Me: �My start date was June 7th, so ��

B: (cuts me off) ��about a month and half. And how do you think you have been doing. If you were me how would you say you were doing?�

Me: �I think that I�ve been doing well�

B: �You do?�

M: �Yes, I can confidently say I think I�ve been doing very well�

B: �Good, b/c I agree with you� (see my boss THINKS he�s funny sometimes)

And he went on to say how in the beginning I seemed a little hesitant when asked to do something, that my face was questioning my abilities but now I seem very confident and have been taking on more and more duties and picking up things very quickly and that he thinks everything is going really well and he is very satisfied with me.

Go me!

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R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
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