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2004-08-20 @ 2:15 p.m.


Fun article from Jenn this morning

So I�m in with my boss yesterday going over some work and before I leave he goes �So, how have you been doing with not going on non-work related websites?� So I�m like, what shmuck said something to him b/c that is so childish. My boss is not going to bring this up unless someone said something. So I answer, �what do you mean, like, on a scale of 1-10?� He said �10 being the best, like me, never� I said � about a 3-4�. He said, �Do you thing you can do better? Bring it down to a 1 or a 0?� I said, �sure!� Then I got the whole speech that I got day one about using company stuff, spam, don�t do it just b/c you see others doing it, etc etc blah blah blah. In my opinion it was 1 of 2 people who said something. HIS boss, who is a VP, and then in that case, well, I friggin deserved it! LOL. But I have a stronger feeling it was one of the managers. The one that just bothers me. He just rubs me the wrong way, like he�ll smile to your face while stabbing you in the back. He seems very, I don�t know, sneaky? Conniving? Phony? All I know is that I do NOT trust him at all.

Pirates is gonna be � well � lets just say we need one more week of rehearsal. We open next Sat night. I�ll be saying a little prayer every night for us. ALTHOUGH I do get to end up with T-Cat! Woo hoo! Arrggg.

I want rehearsals where everyone shows up on time and we actually start rehearsal within 15 min of call. I want rehearsals where the night is planned out, you know, maybe a schedule of what needs to be done and stick to it! I want rehearsals where we aren�t �blocking on a whim� � where there is some realistic concept thought out beforehand. I want rehearsals where my time isn�t completely wasted for most of the night. I want rehearsals where people actually write down their shit and remember it the next time they do it. I want rehearsals where people are actually committed to the show and work hard and don�t have all sorts of excuses for things (cast and crew). Have I been guilty of a few of the things listed above? Sure. I know things happen and things change and circumstances arise. This doesn�t all pertain to Pirates. The past year or so has been filled with these problems for me. Maybe I just expect too much.

Too much fried food for lunch � I think I might actually puke! I haven�t had fried food like that in LOOOONG time and although it was DAMN good going down I�m paying for it and it has only been like 30 min since I ate.

I�m going to the Yankee game tonight with my dad, my brother and my uncle. It's a combo father�s day/bday gift for my dad from my bro and me. We have goooood seats. The Breakstone seats. Yes, the diary people. My brother has good friends. I did get the better end of the deal though, he paid for the tickets, and I�m paying for food/drinks/parking/etc. I have a very good brother.

Fat bottom girls you make the rockin� world go round.

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