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2004-10-11 @ 8:32 p.m.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy.

One thing I am miss about my old job is getting off at 3pm on the Friday/day before a holiday.
Thurs night I was more than � of the way home when D called me and reminded me that I forgot to stop at CAP and get some stuff she left for me. UGH so pissed. Met the guy playing Sweeney. He�s much younger than I thought he would be and kinda cute. I�ll aiming to go see it on Sat the 23rd if anyone is interested in joining me. Anyhoot, I didn�t go to WW or dance classes. I did 2 loads of laundry (b/c I won�t have time over the weekend), straightened up the �spare� bedroom a little bit more, straightened up my disaster of a room a lot, attempted to dye roots, but we only had � a bottle and it was not enough so I had to do it again on Friday after work, helped sweep and mop the floors, bring the cot mattress upstairs (fun job), watched Survivor, Joey, Apprentice, W&G and ER. AND my feet were killing me. Some of you know about my foot problem, but Thurs, the balls of my feet were so swollen that it was actually numbing my toes from the pressure. I got a little scared for a bit, but Friday they felt much better, but that�s prob b/c I was in heels again. I need to buy some flats.
Ugh, I hate hearing that �there are men out there who love heavy women�. Well, where the fuck are they, b/c they are certainly not living anywhere around where I am living.
Had an amazing weekend with my Aunt, Cousin and 2nd cousin (who is 11 and hasn�t been to NY since she was 2).
They got in Friday night around 9:30 so we just hung around the house and stuff. Saturday we went out to breakfast and then pumpkin picking. We fed Putty, went to the 99cent store for some mylar balloons, went by grandma�s, to the florist to get grandma a corsage (b/c she said she wanted one) and then home to get ready for grandma�s 90th birthday party. It wasn�t anything big or fancy, it was just in the private dining room of a local Chinese buffet, but it was so nice. The food was eh. I am not a fan of those places in general, but there were 32 of us there and everyone got along and had fun and had a good time. We had a crown for her that she wore all night. I couldn�t find a tiara that didn�t have Barbie or someone on it, so she had a crown instead. And she sat and opened all her gifts for everyone and we took pics. She is so dang cute. And she was soooo happy. After the party I had to drive my cousin back to D�s house b/c she left her bag there (sorry D). Sunday we went into the city. We went to the Empire State Building (where you spend so MUCH time on queue�s). There is a queue to buy tickets (which we skipped since we got them online). There is a queue for the ticket holders to go up the first escalator. There is a queue to get on the first elevator (which takes you to the 80th floor). On that line about � way you get your picture taken which of course we bought. Then you wait on another queue to get the elevator up to the 86th floor and the observation deck. I forgot how beautiful it is up there. We could see my brother�s office from up there so we waved (lol). Funniest thing is I have a Verizon phone and was trying to call my brother in the office building I was looking at which is only a few buildings from a Verizon building and I had a hard time getting reception. Crazy. Anyhoo. We then went on the SkyRide (the new simulation ride which is hosted by Scotty from Star Trek and Kevin Bacon). That was actually kinda fun. Then we ventured off and took Vanessa on her first subway. She didn�t like it too much�hehe. Then we went to my brother�s office and saw where he worked and the great views that they have. He�s on 57th and 6th, so his boss has an amazing view of central park with a nice telescope to look at the park with. My brother�s window faces the ESB. So nice. And I really enjoyed the beautiful mahogany wood cubicles. My brother�s desk is a friggin MESS. Jeez. He is NOT a neat boy. LOL. Then we went and chowed down at the Brooklyn Diner (nope, stayed no where near my Weight Watchers with that meal) and then off to Times Square to do some shopping and see all the lights and people at night. Vanessa was beside herself with excitement. And she got some good loot to boot. Lucky girl being the only young one in the family. She gets way spoiled. They leave today and I�m sad to see them go. I�m going to have to go down to Miami for the weekend to visit them in the Spring.
I was one of the unlucky ones who had to work today. Great fun. Not.
Finally talked myself into going to the gym, I drive by and it�s closed. Stupid holiday. I totally forgot it was a holiday since I had to work�.grrr. So I went food shopping instead.
Saturday I�m going to go the Oyster Festival with Maz. Hopefully it won�t rain.
Sunday is Robin�s Wedding and I still have no idea what I�m going to wear except for my shoes. LOL. I guess I better get a move on about that �.
I need to win Lotto.
"That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person. And you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life. And for one moment you get this amazing gift, and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it, and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time."

and for my LI friends:
"Weiners! I got hot weiners!" *smacks seat with umbrella* "Getch your own row!"
I love the movie Never Been Kissed.

RIP Superman.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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