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2004-10-19 @ 12:53 p.m.

1. Have you ever touched it?

�They� say you shouldn�t eat right before you go to bed. But why? B/c you�ll gain more weight? How is eating right before you go to bed any different than during the week at work if you work in an office? At work you go to lunch, eat, go back and sit at your desk. You aren�t doing any more activity than when you are sleeping except basically keeping your eyes open. In fact, while sleeping you are probably breathing better and getting in more Oxygen, which is more productive to weight loss than when you are awake and can alter your breathing. Okay, so some might say you type, write, staple, talk on the phone, move papers around, swivel/roll around in our chairs, etc. Like that burns off 1000�s of calories. If that were true I would have the thinnest strongest fingers in the WORLD. I probably burn off more calories trying to find a comfortable position in bed than I do in my entire afternoon at work (if I don�t have to get up from my desk). And don�t lie, you all know that most days you get to your desk and you stay there except for the few bathroom trips or water cooler trips. On the rare occasion you get go visit another desk, or have to *gasp* go up a flight of steps. And most of eat breakfast at our desks as well. Shit, we don�t even have to get up after eating that one to go back to our desks. It�s what we eat, not when we eat it. If only food was not so yummy and I could follow those rules as well�but that�s a whole other topic.

And change subject:
Today while reading Car and Travel (The AAA magazine) at work (yeah, I know, but my Boss is out again and my desk is empty to the point where I�ve taken out old binders and opened them up to make it look like I�m doing something) and I saw a contest where you had to enter your 7 favorite Christmas songs and why.

Here are mine (in alphabetical order):
1. Christmas Wrapping (artist: The Waitresses) - A good fun song that tells a story that makes you bop your head.
2. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause - My mom sang this to me and my brother all the time when we were little ... She still does
3. I'll Be Home For Christmas - About 10 years ago I was Christmas caroling in hospitals and care centers in Manhattan. We were at our last stop, a hospice for AIDS and HIV patients, when this one man who was extremely ill requested "I'll Be Home For Christmas". No one had requested that song all day long and none of us of knew it. He just seemed so sad that we couldn�t sing it for him. Then one of the men who was in our group stepped up and said he didn't know it that well, but he would do his best. I still remember the sick mans eyes welling up with tears as my friend sang to him.
4. Silent Night - This is truly one of the most beautiful songs ever written, whether it is song in English or German, with or without the harmonies. I look forward to singing it every year. I can hardly get thru it without welling up.
5. White Christmas (artist: Bing Crosby) - This song always makes me cry. It is also from one of my favorite Christmas movies that I watch every year. Simply, it's another song to remind us that dreams do and can come true (I know cheesy, but this is how I think sometimes!)
6. Winter Wonderland (artist: Rockapella) - I just love this song. And this version by Rockapella is just so warm and yummy.
7. Still deciding on a 7th?????

What are your favorite songs�
and don�t you want to listen to Christmas music now even though it�s still so early �
and don�t you hate me know for getting these songs in your heads???? Mmmmwwwwwahahahahahahaha.

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