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2004-10-24 @ 11:12 p.m.

Don't waste the pretty.

Friday was Maz�s bday and a bunch of us all went to her new �6 Feet Under� apartment to celebrate (for those of you who don�t know, she lives over a funeral home). It was really nice and I had such a nice time with my friends. We haven�t all hung out together in a very long time.

Saturday I didn�t not get out of bed and go downstairs until 3pm! How fucking glorious is that! Woo hoo! I did basically nothing. I started creating my Christmas Cards. I put together my CD entry for the Christmas song contest I mentioned the other day or so. I finished my laundry. I had a very good and personal conversation with Louise. Watched bits and pieces of different movies and such. Watched the Oprah interview with the cast of Bridget Jones Diary (which buy the way was a sucky hour of TV. Renee is just an idiot. Hugh was big obnoxious jerk. Colin was on for like 2 seconds. Oprah is NOT a good celebrity interviewer. She sucks. She should stick to books and giving gifts and tabloid more stuff. I wanted to smack her. All she did was make her 3 guests very uncomfortable by asking stupid questions. You could see how uncomfortable they were and it just made them close themselves off more).

Today Rachelle picked me up at 9:30am and we drove into NYC. She dropped me off on the TKTS line while she got a great parking spot on the street. We got 2nd row mez to Dracula the Frank Wildhorn musical. After we got the tickets we walked around the Times Square area and bought fake pink Burberry bags for $25, and stopped at the Hershey�s Chocolate store where I bought Reese�s snack bars. They are like peanut butter rice crispy treats with a thin layer of chocolate on the bottom. Very, very yummy. Then we went and had lunch at Maxie�s Deli where we shared a pastrami sandwich and fries. This sucker was HUGE. I wish I took a pic of it! I took home enough meat for at least 2-3 more sammiches. We headed over to Rockefeller Center to see Democracy Plaza and stroll through the NBC store. They had on display one of the original copies of the Declaration of Independence, one of the trains that the President used when he traveled before there was an Air Force One, a mock up of Air Force One , a mock up of the Oval Office where you could take pictures behind the desk �which we did� It was all pretty cool. We felt very patriotic. They had a place where kids could �vote� as well.

Then it was off to see Dracula. What can I say about this show except that is SUCKED (no pun intended). And worse than that, the acting and singing sucked. The woman playing Mina (Melissa Errico), I wanted to take one of those book hooked canes and pull her off the stage. I wanted to hit the gong and pull her off like the gong show. Who the fuck hired her? A blind and deaf person? Kill her. Kill her now! Tom Hewitt was not sexy enough. Not by far. He could have made it work a little better in the 2nd act if they did something with his hair. First of all it was completely out of period�all short and slicked down. And his �serious� face is well, not sexy. During curtain calls when he smiled I was like �hey, he is cute�. Too little too late. He did fine otherwise. The 3 screeching/flying/annoying vampire girls. Oh lord. Stop the flying. Enough of the flying. Their costumes were really cool though. Lucy (Kelli O�Hara) had a fine voice but could not act her way out of a paper bag. Insulting. Dr. Van Helsing (Stephen McKinley Henderson) took a class or two or three (as Ro put it) from the William Shatner school of acting. Best thing on the stage was Renfield (Don Stephenson) and he was in like 3 scenes. Maybe that is why he was the best b/c he was on so little. Haha. Frank baby, I�ve seen all your shows (yes I�ve seen Victor/Victoria, Jekyll and Hyde, Civil War and Scarlet Pimpernel) but I�m ready for a good musical now from you. The music to this was 12 alarm snooze. I could have fallen asleep it was so boring. There were like 3 songs that I didn�t mind (Prelude, How Do You Choose and The Longer I Live). Anyway, I went, saw, and now it�s done. Whew. Was my review a little harsh??

Dinner afterwards was at Dolphins where we had yummy steak and Ro�s parents were at the same restaurant and bought us good dessert. Gotta love a good steak followed by chocolate mousse cake. I�m a fat girl .. yeah yeah yeah.

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The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
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