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2004-11-12 @ 10:28 a.m.

I heart Colin Firth

I have a sinus infection. Good times. I have had this cold for like 2 weeks now and I just couldn�t shake it. And the past 2 days I�ve had a headache over/in my left eye that hurt more when bending over (don�t get me started). But I took some over the counter stuff and figured it would go away. Yesterday my headache got so bad that my left eye actually started to tear. And I was getting mad b/c it wasn�t going away even after 4 Advils. I called my doc for an appt that night but she was �double booked� all night and the physicians assistant wasn�t there either. At 4pm I couldn�t take it anymore and asked my boss if I could leave. I went right to my docs office and 90 min later I walked out with confirmation that it is indeed, a sinus infection. They send the prescription right online directly to the pharmacy now so you don�t even have to go and make that extra stop to drop off the prescription just to have come back out again in a few hours to get it. Woo hoo. My doc also gave me a little goody-bag. 4 days of Aller-X and a �Sudafed Adult Cold/Sinus Management Kit� which is adorable. It�s a little red zipper pouch that is stuffed with a travel size pack of tissues, a box of Berry Assortment Luden�s cough drops (cherry, raspberry, grape, strawberry), a 6 pack of Sudafed non-drowsy nasal decongestant tablets, 2 $1 coupons for Sudafed, a search-a-word puzzle, a questionnaire to return for free Lubriderm lotion and product coupons totaling $9 and an information booklet on colds/flu/sinus infections.

Mom�s surgery went really well yesterday. She went in 9am. She said she woke up on the operating table while they were cleaning her up. I had the same thing happen to me when I had a cyst removed. Must be a family thing. LOL. She was home that afternoon and doing fine. She sounded a little loopy on the drugs � LOL. She has a bandage wrapped around her leg from above her knee down to her ankle. She seems to be doing fine on the crutches and we had an extra walker without wheels that she is using as well. Poor thing has to sleep downstairs on the couch for a few days till she can bend it to go up the steps. That means she is stuck downstairs with my grandma ALL day without escape. And then her mother comes over and sits there with her ALL day as well. She is gonna need that Perkiset (sp?) just to get thru being with them all day. HAHA. I love my grandma�s, but all day long. I�d never make it.

Tonight I�m going to see Sweeney (since I haven�t seen it yet and it�s my last chance this weekend and it closes this weekend). Saturday is Eddie�s grandma�s big birthday bash in NJ. Sunday is Bridget Jones Diary: The Edge of Reason with Broomer (I heart Colin Firth!). Good thing I�m staying in and resting up this weekend huh? HEHE.

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